declare i; nam; bs employee2.basic_sal%type; grosal float; hra float; cca float; pt float; da float; begin dbms_output.put_line('Enter the ID'); i:=&i; dbms_output.put_line('Enter the Name'); nam:='&nam'; dbms_output.put_line('Enter the Basic Salary'); bs:=&bs; da:=bs/2; hra:=(15/100)*bs; if(bs between 0 and 5000) then cca:=100; pt:=bs/50; elsif(bs between 5000 and 10000) then cca:=200; pt:=bs/25; else cca:=400; pt:=bs/20; end if; grosal:=bs+hra+da+cca; insert into employee2 values(i,nam,bs,grosal-pt); commit; end; /